During setup, device is unable to connect to any modem port. After rebooting the device on all 3 modem ports, one port was able to transmit a message, see details

During setup of the nRF9160, I attempted to flash the fw manually. After confirming that the flash was successful, I attempted to use the Link Monitor, but the device was unable to transmit any 'OK' events while using AT+CFUN? function. While rebooting one one of the modem ports via the button, this message was given. This looks to be an incomplete message. I also attempted to use another laptop which was unsuccessful, and a variety of micro USB cables. I also used the quick start once, and has the same issue.

[1;34m[Sec Thread] Secure image initializing!


TF-M Float ABI: Hard

Lazy stacking enabled

[1;34mBooting TF-M v2.0.0

