GPIO Control for GPS / LTE Antenna Feed Switching


Looking for guidance on controlling a non-COEX0 GPIO pin for antenna feed selection.

I need to control a SPDT RF switch to switch between LTE and RF feeds, but this switch is connected to standard GPIO pin.

I'm planning to move this to one of the COEX pins in the next revision, but would like a working solution so I can continue testing my prototype boards.

Is there interrupt handler I can use to determine when GPS vs LTE is being used so that I can control the GPIO pin in software?


  • Hi Forest,

    It is possible, please do the following changes in nrf\lib\location\method_gnss.c,

    1) Control GPIO to switch to GNSS before calling nrf_modem_gnss_start.

    2) Control GPIO to switch to LTE after calling nrf_modem_gnss_stop.

    You can compare the target GPIO and COEX0 to make sure they have the same behavior.

    Best regards,

