QUERY - [nRF52840][ZIGBEE][ZEPHYR-BLE] Is controlling LIGHT_BULB(ZIGBEE) from ZEPHYR_BLE_CENTRAL possible ??

Hello Team,

I am using nrf52840 board which supports ZIGBEE and ZEPHYR.

Setup Details:
Zigbee_LIGHT_BULB (nRF52840 DK)
Zephyr_BLE_CENTRAL (nRF52840 DK)

In zephyr I have implemented BLE CENTRAL CODE and in ZIGBEE, LIGHT_SWITCH(ROUTER) and LIGHT_BULB(END_DEVICE) examples. Now, I want to control ZIGBEE LIGHT_BULB(END_DEVICE) to turn ON and OFF the BULB using BLE CENTRAL CODE.

1. Is it possible to control ZIGBEE LIGHT_BULB(END_DEVICE) using BLE CENTRAL CODE in ZEPHYR which is implemented in zephyr?

2. Also, In ZIGBEE LIBRARIES, why ZEPHYR BLE CENTRAL CODE is not supporting ?

As I am new to this, please help here get the above information.

Thanks a lot Slight smile !!!

Best Regards,
Deepika B
