Programming production units with nRF52 DK and "nrf jprog" utility


We are entering production stage of our product. 

So far we have been using the nRF52 DK to program our nRF52810 boards for development.

Can we continue to use the nRF jprog utility to program our units in the assembly line through the nRF52 DK's external board programming interface? 

Thanks and Regards


  • Hi Sreeni,

    It is possibel to program the custom nRF52810 boards via the external board programming interface. nrfjprog an all other tools will work with the external connector as well. However, the license for the onboard debugger only allows using it for development. For production, you should obtain another debugger/programmer. If you select Segger programmers, nrfjprog will also work with those.

