Understanding periodic advertising using periodic_adv and periodic_sync

Hello, I am a beginner with the Nordic development kits. I have purchased two nRF52833 development kits and I would like to perform Bluetooth Direction Finding with these kits. Before that, I would first like to implement periodic advertising of BLE packets to understand what happens before I jump into direction finding. 

I have seen that periodic_adv and periodic_sync are two examples that I can run to understand their working. The periodic_adv sends periodic advertising data every 10 seconds as given in the sample. But I am unable to receive the packets in the periodic_sync. I have not made any changes to the sample code. I would like to know what I am missing out and maybe some guidance on how I can send different data in place of the mfg_data[]. 

I have attached the serial monitor log for both the periodic_adv and periodic_sync.



Here, it does not print the program code but some other data and says few messages dropped. 
