nrfutil and Github actions

nrfutil is generally making command-line activities with NCS easier so I tried updating our Github actions scripts to take advantage

The following script downloads the tool, installs the required toolchain and launches a shell with the required alterations to the environment so that west works (e.g. adding ~/ncs/... elements to PATH

mv nrfutil /usr/local/bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nrfutil
nrfutil install toolchain-manager
echo "install v2.3.0 toolchain"
nrfutil toolchain-manager install --ncs-version v2.3.0
nrfutil toolchain-manager list
echo "before: $PATH"
nrfutil toolchain-manager launch /bin/bash
echo "after: $PATH"

However this doesn't apply when the script is run on GHA and west is unable to be found by following steps. All the steps up to `launch` appear to work as expected but launch does nothing?
