nRF52840 Dongle to implement "HID proxy" bluetooth dongle


I premise that I have never used Nordic devices, but I am evaluating them for a project that I have simplified as I describe below.

I have a bluetooth keyboard. Obviously for the keyboard to be detected and used we need a bluetooth dongle and an OS that provides a bluetooth stack. This causes that at boot time the bios (UEFI), not having bluetooth stack, is unable to detect my keyboard, and I am unable to use it for bios setup.

To overcome this problem, HID proxy mode is needed, in which the Bluetooth stack runs directly inside the dongle and the usb announces itself as an HID device.

I would like to try to implement this using nRF52840 Dongle as shown in the image above.

At this point the questions:

  1. Is this goal achievable?
  2. Is nRF52840 Dongle upgradable from usb using dfu? Or only using SWD?
  3. Is there an example from the SDK that does this?
  4. If not, what examples should I start from to achieve the goal?
  5. What effort do you think such a thing requires?

best regards

