nRF5340 custom board using sysbuild missing "SUPPORT_NETCORE" causing issue to enable b0n build


I have followed the steps of creating custom board files using the latest nRF Connect SDK Intermediate course (Lesson 3) for the nRF5340.  When making a new application of the sample nrf/samples/multicore/hello_world in VS Code and building the code for the nRF5340DK using the added configs in the "sysbuild.conf" file:


I get no error and I get both MCUBOOT and b0n for the app and net core, but when I build it now using the copied nrf5340dk_nrf5340 board files (which I renamed as instructed in lesson 3) I get an error in the sysbuild.conf file with a missing dependency:
And the missing dependency "SB_CONFIG_SUPPORT_NETCORE" is not configurable. So I am wondering what and where do I need to add/enable in my custom board design so that I can build my project using sysbuild and have both MCUBOOT and b0n?

Best regards,


I am using:
- nrf5340dk_nrf5340
- nRF SDK v2.6.1
- VS Code

  • Hi!

    Sysbuild is in an experimental state. It will work for nordic zephyr boards, it will not work for out of tree boards or non-nordic nordic-soc boards(custom boards), i.e if you are using a custom nRF5340 board, you should not use sysbuild at this early stage of Sysbuild.

  • Hello Sigurd,

    I see, how I understood sysbuild that it is the new go-to method for multi-image builds that are out-of-tree. Where the nrf5340 has 2 cores I want my whole project (source files for the app_core and net_core + board files) outside the nRF SDK. Is there another way of doing this without sysbuild and if so how?

    As I understand for the b0n to be implemented I should now modify the nrf5340dk file in the SDK to conform to my board files and once the sysbuild supports out-of-tree boards I can reimplement my board files and use those?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Sigurd,

    I see, how I understood sysbuild that it is the new go-to method for multi-image builds that are out-of-tree. Where the nrf5340 has 2 cores I want my whole project (source files for the app_core and net_core + board files) outside the nRF SDK. Is there another way of doing this without sysbuild and if so how?

    As I understand for the b0n to be implemented I should now modify the nrf5340dk file in the SDK to conform to my board files and once the sysbuild supports out-of-tree boards I can reimplement my board files and use those?

    Best regards,

