PSA crypto example does not compile


Using v2.6.0 and v2.6.1 for compiling PSA Crypto example (zephyr/samples/tfm_integration/psa_crypto) fails.

Tried building from VSC, tried building from command line (using the steps for nrf5340 in the README.rst; which contains an error on the board parameter value I think).

The error says: <command-line>: fatal error: user-tls-conf.h: No such file or directory

That might be used due to the prj.conf containing:


It seems that the CMakeLists.txt contains this statement (which does not seem to have effect because there's no corresponding -I <include-path> added).


If commenting out those lines in prj.conf, there's another error
psa_crypto/src/util_app_log.h:10:10: fatal error: psa/initial_attestation.h: No such file or directory
   10 | #include "psa/initial_attestation.h"

Note that a similar sample, PSA Protected Storage (zephyr/samples/tfm_integration/psa_protected_storage), compiles, flashes and runs correctly on the DK board.

How to fix to compile and run the PSA Crypto sample? (I want this sample working to experiment with its CSR part.)

Thank you!

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