S130 assert 0x0000f764. Looking for tISR max-time


We are currently developing a embedded system with S130 where some parts that are performance critical. Timeslot API is in use. 

The assert 0x0000f764 gets called ~15s after device becomes unresponsive. According to this thread it is linked to missing a BLE-event.

So my question is really:

  • What is the maximum time allowed in a High priority application interrupt (NVIC prio 1)?
  • What is the maximum time allowed in a Low priority application interrupt (NVIC prio 3)?
  • How long is a critical-region allowed to be?
  • Hi Marus,

    We have not documented clear limitations on interrupt durations, but generally high priority interrupts should be kept as short as possible, and within 10 us. And for critical sections, thouse should be very short as all interrupts are disabled. Typically you will only use a critical section around updating a mutex or simlar.

    If you need to know that you will not be interrupted by the SoftDevice for a long time you should use the Timeslot API, which you write you do. In that case, the SoftDevice will not interrupt the application. But it is essential that the application cleans up before the end of the timeslot. Failing to do so can also trigger assert 0x0000f764.

  • Hi Marus,

    We have not documented clear limitations on interrupt durations, but generally high priority interrupts should be kept as short as possible, and within 10 us. And for critical sections, thouse should be very short as all interrupts are disabled. Typically you will only use a critical section around updating a mutex or simlar.

    If you need to know that you will not be interrupted by the SoftDevice for a long time you should use the Timeslot API, which you write you do. In that case, the SoftDevice will not interrupt the application. But it is essential that the application cleans up before the end of the timeslot. Failing to do so can also trigger assert 0x0000f764.

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