NRF9160 increase mcuboot secondary slot


We are using a NRF9160 alongside an NRF52840 chip to perform firmware updates for both.

We are using the NRF9160 AT_CLIENT sample app to run on NRF9160. Up until now, the firmware update process was working just fine.

Things turned south when NRF52840 firmware image reached a size bigger than 425984 bytes. We noticed that the NRF9160 at_client sample app does not allow transfers bigger than 425984bytes. Understandable due to the default mcuboot secondary slot size limit.

We tried changing/editing out the nrf9160 partitions via pm_static.yml file and increase the size limit to something like 0x72000 and 0x78000 bytes, but still didn't work.

We have a feeling that editing the partitions on a nrf9160 mcu is not very safe due to hardware/trustzone configurations.

This post's intention is to to know if anyone could please share here if he's ever faced this issue. And if so, could you please give a hint on how to do this properly? Like increasing flash size (what are the limitations knowing that we have trustzone/sau modules running)? Or changing a project config I am not aware? 

