Porting the application from nRF5_SDK_15.3.0 to the nRF Connect SDK for VS Code.


Setup Details.

  • Board: nRF52832
  • SDK: nRF5_SDK_15.3.0
  • IDE: SEGGER Embedded Studio version 4.12
  • Soft device S132.

I need to port my code from the nRF5_SDK_15.3.0 SDK(SES) to the nRF Connect for VS Code into the Zephyr RTOS platform.

Can you please share me the porting manual or documentation for how to migrate the code?

I have few questions here to start with the porting. Please assist me with this approach.

  1. What are the things to be taken care when we are porting from bare metal OS to Zephyr RTOS?
  2. As seen, In much cases the Zephyr RTOS VS Code does not offer the same functions for direct use. How can I see if the nRF Connect SDK for VS Code has a equivalent compatible function?
  3. How to include and integrate the required library folder in the project? 
  4. Like for example. what is the compatible function for nrf_pwr_mgmt_init() in nRF Connect SDK? How to include the libraries in the VS Code for this?
  5. What are the configuration macros to enable the power management in the code?
  6. How to configure and enable the soft device in the application code? and how to include the soft device library functions in the VS Code? like, sd_power_system_off()?
  7. What are the list macros to be taken care of in the project configuration settings?

Could you please help me with this?
I've already installed the nRF Connect SDK extension in Visual Studio Code. Version of VS Code: 1.88.1.

Followed the steps given here: www.nordicsemi.com/.../Tutorials


