Inquiry Regarding Release of Bluetooth Mesh Protocol 1.1 in Android-nRF-Mesh-Library


Could you please provide any insights or updates regarding when the Bluetooth Mesh Protocol 1.1 support is expected to be released in Android-nRF-Mesh-Library?

Any information you can share would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.

Thanks and Regards,

Sanjay Chauhan

  • Hi,

    The current Android nRF Mesh library will not be updated to Bluetooth Mesh 1.1.
    The team is currently working on a new version of the nRF Mesh app for Android, and new libraries.

    For any further questions regarding roadmaps and future plans, please contact our sales representative for your area. If you do not know who that is, then please ask in a private case or private message, and we will provide you with the contact details.


  • Hi,

    The current Android nRF Mesh library will not be updated to Bluetooth Mesh 1.1.
    The team is currently working on a new version of the nRF Mesh app for Android, and new libraries.

    For any further questions regarding roadmaps and future plans, please contact our sales representative for your area. If you do not know who that is, then please ask in a private case or private message, and we will provide you with the contact details.


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