AMQP Communication with RabbitMQ Broker using nRF9160 SiP


I'm trying to add to my Linux board (RPI4 CM) a cellular connectivity and I thought about using nRF9160 SiP because it's a product I've already used and it's low cost compared to other solutions on the market. The goal here is to ensure the RPI4 CM can communicate with an AMQP broker like RabbitMQ using cellular network instead of WiFi.

1) Is there any Linux driver for the nRF9160 to ensure that the Linux network manager can use this modem to communicate like some Quectel or Sierra Wireless modems? I know Nordic was working on a Linux driver for the nRF7002 SoC, so maybe there's something to the nRF9160 SiP as well?

2) Another alternative would perhaps be to use the SiP nRF9160 with the modem firmware? I'm wondering if it's possible to use the SiP nRF9160 to establish communication with an AMQP broker like RabbitMQ by flashing the nRF9160 with modem firmware and establishing communication with AT commands. I know that the nRF Connect SDK already supports several AT commands for MQTT communication, but what about AMQP? Is anyone already trying? It's possible?
