Using the Matter chip-tool to set the SSID and password during commissioning

I am following this page regarding Matter commissioning using the CHIP-TOOL. 

I am using Ubuntu as the host for development and running the chip-tool. I want to commission a device using BLE and to tell it about the WI-Fi information. 

This particular command is what I am trying to run:

./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi <node_id> <ssid> <password> <pin_code> <discriminator>

If for example my SSID for my Wi-Fi network is as follows named : My FRITZ Box , and passphrase is 1234
How do I enter this into the command if there are spaces etc.? I have tried the following without success:

./chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 0x7283 "My FRITZ Box" 1234 20202021 3840