External NOR Flash use-case in nRF9161 FW upgrades

We wanted to understand better the use of external NOR Flash for nRF9161 applications. For example, in nRF9161-DK, this would be the GD25WB256E chip.

  1. For modem delta fw upgrades, does the workflow use external flash?
  2. For application fw upgrades, does the workflow use external flash?
  3. I read that external flash is useful for full modem firmware upgrades. What qualifies as a full modem firmware upgrade?
    • Is it moving from 1.0.0 to 1.3.6? (I pulled up some version numbers from nRF9160 for example here)
    • In the past, other vendors have provided special test modem FW to run in the field if we encounter a bug. Would similar scenarios warrant a full modem upgrade?

These answers would help us determine if we can exclude this flash from our custom board design. 

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