BLE OTA via matter.ota

Hi support team

Our company is processing BLE OTA through APP by ourself developing, here list some question:

1. is matter.ota be encrypt file?

2. could we process BLE OTA via matter.ota

3. is there any API for image exchange (moving from external FLASH to internal memory) after MCU receives matter.ota?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Maria

    If we succeed to transfer data through BLE and write to EEPROM. How should I write to internal memory?

    Pls refer to attached file of configuration for memory address, how could I set?

    What I need is:
    1 transfer encrypt file code via BLE (by our own app)
    2. Receive data and write in EEPROM
    3. Read and decode data By eeprom
    4. Write in data to internal memory
    5. Proceed McU boot

    Now I’m using dfu_multi_image.bin to transfer and attach file to proceed OTA, is this correct?The picture below shows the error message

