The amplitude value of the IQ data for nrf5340dk is too low

-21	45
17	-47
-16	45
9	-49
-8	46
11	-47
0	48
-19	-47
25	-54
-45	-25
-30	38
31	37
-8	-59
-52	7
-1	50
45	8
-53	-28
-34	40
35	37
43	-25
-59	-1
1	49
48	4
13	-47
-37	49
39	32
41	-26
-22	-40
-2	59
50	5
9	-52
-45	-15
41	41
41	-30
-22	-45
-46	18
59	5
8	-51
-49	-19
-21	44
49	-35
-29	-42
-41	26
17	46
8	-58


The above 45 pairs of IQ data are a set of data that I have received.The maximum amplitude of the IQ data I received seems to be only 128, which means that the quantization of IQ data is only 7 bits, which may result in insufficient accuracy. I would like to know if it is possible to modify the configuration to increase the quantization bit count and thus increase the amplitude value of IQ data? I think the data obtained this way will have higher accuracy.

Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Hi

    IQ samples are set with the SAMPLEYPE field in the DFECTRL1 register and is described below (from the nRF52833 and nRF5340 product specification:

    I would recommend that if you require better accuracy would be to use more antennas in your antenna array. Please see the Direction Finding whitepaper for more information. Also, please note that this is raw IQ data, so it must be converted into vector form to be reviewed properly. We don't have have any specific sample code showing this, but you can check out this page for information on the various formulas used to translate IQ data between polar and rectangular form.

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    IQ samples are set with the SAMPLEYPE field in the DFECTRL1 register and is described below (from the nRF52833 and nRF5340 product specification:

    I would recommend that if you require better accuracy would be to use more antennas in your antenna array. Please see the Direction Finding whitepaper for more information. Also, please note that this is raw IQ data, so it must be converted into vector form to be reviewed properly. We don't have have any specific sample code showing this, but you can check out this page for information on the various formulas used to translate IQ data between polar and rectangular form.

    Best regards,


  • Thank you very much for your help. I have carefully looked at the code these days and found that it is indeed possible to change its quantization level to 16 bits.

    10747   -10492  6876    -127
    10491   -11513  -25431  20508
    11011   -10502  156     15926
    10246   -9989   -11543  29935
    10505   9491    641     -32502
    8984    8473    -3463   -23492
    6689    6944    30056   -3544
    4900    3366    9446    -27909
    2087    1321    27043   -6518
    41      -1494   -30938  -20525
    -3031   -5084   -20867  31544
    -6620   -6621   -15004  -5967
    -9194   -9708   -5030   7082
    -9196   -10744  -13391  26017
    -10492  -10497  -8289   -251
    -10753  -10255  -13503  -20074
    -10003  -9237   26885   -28412
    -7199   -6943   -8525   -6925
    -7199   -4135   -2699   -4418
    -1322   -2091   32308   -17825
    -2088   3033    -8606   -24640
    5337    3800    28021   21371
    6876    -127    7238    -28880
