How do I use the nRF5 Connect SDK for dynamic multi-protocol development

Dear all and Nordic Staff:

I am learning about dynamic multiprotocols and found examples of dynamic multiprotocols for Thread and BLE in the "nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee". But I want to finish this case in nRF5 Connect SDK.

My question is whether I can implement such a port, or whether there are already dynamic multi-protocol implementations in the nRF5 Connect SDK.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards.

  • Hi,

    There is already support for dynamic multiprotocol in nRF Connect SDK. The Zigbee Light Switch and Thread CoAP Client samples support multiprotocol out of the box, and all you need to do is enable the multiprotocol extension. How to do this is explained in each of the sample's documentation.

    The Multi-Protocol Service Layer (MPSL) handles many of the tasks involved in multiprotocol applications in the nRF Connect SDK, so implementing a multiprotocol Zigbee + BLE or Thread + BLE application is even more straightforward in the nRF Connect SDK than it was in the nRF5 SDK.

    If you want to know more, I recommend reading Multiprotocol support in our documentation and checking out the two samples I mentioned.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    There is already support for dynamic multiprotocol in nRF Connect SDK. The Zigbee Light Switch and Thread CoAP Client samples support multiprotocol out of the box, and all you need to do is enable the multiprotocol extension. How to do this is explained in each of the sample's documentation.

    The Multi-Protocol Service Layer (MPSL) handles many of the tasks involved in multiprotocol applications in the nRF Connect SDK, so implementing a multiprotocol Zigbee + BLE or Thread + BLE application is even more straightforward in the nRF Connect SDK than it was in the nRF5 SDK.

    If you want to know more, I recommend reading Multiprotocol support in our documentation and checking out the two samples I mentioned.

    Best regards,
