Current / best implementation for the BLE UART App nRF5_SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart for the nRF25840 Dongle?


could someone point me where I can find the most current / state of the art example for the BLE UART app for the nRF25840 Dongle?

The version in the nRF5_SDK does not support the dongle. I guess the latest examples work with VS Code rather than Segger.

Unfortunately I have not found anything so far.

What I want to achieve:

Quickly have an working example on my dongle that transmits incoming strings from BLE to serial and vice versa.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Andreas

  • Hello,

    I suggest you check out the nRF5 SDK\examples\peripheral\usbd_ble_uart, but you need to port it from the DK to the dongle. The difference from the normal ble_app_uart example and this one, is that this uses the USB peripheral on the nRF instead of the UART. The USB part of the dongle is connected to the peripheral USB, and not the UART via the debugger (which is not present). 

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    I suggest you check out the nRF5 SDK\examples\peripheral\usbd_ble_uart, but you need to port it from the DK to the dongle. The difference from the normal ble_app_uart example and this one, is that this uses the USB peripheral on the nRF instead of the UART. The USB part of the dongle is connected to the peripheral USB, and not the UART via the debugger (which is not present). 

    Best regards,


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