Current / best implementation for the BLE UART App nRF5_SDK\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart for the nRF25840 Dongle?


could someone point me where I can find the most current / state of the art example for the BLE UART app for the nRF25840 Dongle?

The version in the nRF5_SDK does not support the dongle. I guess the latest examples work with VS Code rather than Segger.

Unfortunately I have not found anything so far.

What I want to achieve:

Quickly have an working example on my dongle that transmits incoming strings from BLE to serial and vice versa.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Andreas

  • Back after some training and doing lots of SEGGER stuff. Regarding the \examples\peripheral\usbd_ble_uart:
    There is a project for the dongle (PCA10059) missing. Could you advice me how to create / port the existing code to a PCA10059 project?

  • The main differences are the board layout and the flash. Have a look at one of the samples that does have a pca10059 project, and try to replicate that. When you are building an application that has uses the softdevice, it will be the same, but if you use a project that doesn't use the softdevice, remember to move the flash start address from 0x00000000 to 0x00001000, and program the MBR (found in SDK\components\softdevice\mbr). This is used by the bootloader. But the MBR is included in the softdevice, so if you are using that, then you don't need to worry about it.

    Then you really just need to include the pca10059 board file instead of the pca10056 one. This is usually done by changing the preprocessor definition from BOARD_PCA10056 to BOARD_PCA10059, and it will be included automatically.

    For an example that has a pca10059 project, you can check out the ble_app_hrs example.

    Best regards,


  • Ok. I will have a look into it. That was my first approach but I expected some magic here. But in the end it will be just copying existing stuff and somehow fiddling with all relevant parameters. I will come back as soon as I am encountering further problems or I have made it.

  • Status-Update:

    We will implement basic functionality first on an DK board with Segger Serial to USB bridge based on Nordic UART Service NUS with nRF Connect SDK 2.6.x. Add Authentication, Encryption and Session in the second step.

    After achieveing that we might look into "usb_cdc_acm in order to use the Dongle. Which appears to have two custom characteristics instead of NUS then which use CDC to communication to the PC.
