Do callbacks, interrupts, event handling, and main loops belong to the same context?

Hello, the chip I am currently using is nrf52832 and the SDK version is SDK15.0. May I ask if all callbacks, interrupts, event handling, and main loops belong to the same context? If they do, is there any documentation to explain them? If not, what should I do to achieve thread safety.

  • Hi,

    Could you please tell us why you are using very very old SDK for prototyping for your new products? I strongly suggest you to use latest nRF Connect SDK. nRF5SDK is deprecated and no new features will be added in that.

    If you still want to use this old SDK, then here is the answer. 

    - Main - Read this external Thread mode explanation. Main function runs in main thread mode.

    - All other contexts run in their own handler mode (interrupt handler mode or exception mode)

    Documentation for this nRF5SDKv15 can be found here.

    If you are not using BLE stack (Softdevice) then read ARM Cortex M4 technical reference manual for more details.

    If you are using BLE stack (softdevice) for your application, you can also read the Interrupt model and processor availability info.
