Waveshare e-paper display, spi, zephyr, nrf52840dk

We would like to develop for the waveshare 1.02 e-paper display. We have limited experience with SPI on Zephyr and are looking for the easiest way to get a "hello world" result using nrf52840dk.

Our plan (unless you suggest otherwise) is to use the  paper-shield and the 1.02inch display.


I don't see anything obvious to get started with Zephyr/Nordic. I am hoping for a "waveshare hello world" to jumpstart our development. Can you suggest the best sample and/or any additional guidance? 

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  • This morning we connected the Waveshare to an Arduino Uno and it worked immediately, so we know the display is good. We bought this one from Amazon:
    And we've been using this DSHIELD, although we can't seem to find in the Waveshare specs exactly what Controller the hardware uses (FPC A002 printed on ribbon cable):
    west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 -d build52840  -- -DSHIELD=waveshare_epaper_gdeh0213b1
    our display is 250x122 and the shield seems to generate, something compatible (as far as I can tell)
            width = <250>;
            height = <120>;
    Everything compiles without issue, but I was hoping you could give us more insight. We believe the sample uses SPI3 and the following pinout, but we get nothing on the screen...

    nrf52840dk (default SPI3):
    • MISO (NC)
    • MOSI P1.13
    • SCK P1.15
    • CS P1.12
    Waveshare Overlay:
    • DC P1.11
    • RESET P1.10
    • BUSY P1.08
    Am I missing something obvious? Any insight is appreciated.
    thanks, mike