Connecting to HTTPS servers and sending and receiving data on the NRF7002dk


I am using nrf7002dk on NCS version 2.6.0.

I want to send data to an HTTPS web server using WiFi.

I saw some mentions about HTTPS in several posts on Devzone.

but, I need definite information on whether this feature is supported by Nordic.

Are there any official HTTPS-related examples or guidelines? If not, are there any plans to add them? If possible, could you provide an approximate timeframe?

Thank you.

  • Hi

    The HTTPS Client does indeed show how to set up a TLS session towards a HTTPS server, but not much more than that. In 3) what trouble do you exactly have here with adding the TLS credentials? Do you get any error codes that points to what the issue is here exactly? For upgrading to NCS 2.6.0, the nRF Connect SDK migration guide should be sufficient to let you port a sample from NCS 2.4.0 t 2.6.0. First from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0, then from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0.

    Best regards,


  • hello.

    I changed my development environment from nRF5_SDK to Nordic Connect SDK, so I'm not familiar with it, so it's hard to know where to start and follow other examples including migration.

    I'll get back to you after I have some more time to explore Nordic Academy, etc.

    Thank you.

  • Hello, Simon.

    My question was resolved through the WiFi Academy HTTPS solution sample,
    (SDK version 2.5.2) for the nRF7002dk.

    Coincidentally, my server domain was Amazon Server, and the certificate provided in the example was also Amazon.
    Therefore, I was able to proceed with requests and responses via HTTPS without any additional actions.

    If you are using a server from a different domain,
    I believe the process in the thread you received will allow you to replace the certificate for that domain.


    Although the HTTPS implementation has been resolved,

    when I change the SDK version to 2.7.0,
    there is a CMake-related path setting error for the 7002dk board in the Academy WiFi HTTPS sample.
    [I only changed the HTTPS server name and HTTP request content in the example]
    Academy wifi https example (less5-exer2_solution)

    Regarding the migration, the provided documentation includes CONFIG settings and other changes,
    but I couldn't find anything related to my issue.

    Could I request your assistance with this?

    Best regards

  • Hi Jeon

    What exactly is the error you're seeing. please upload the build log so we can get a proper view of what's going on. Also, what tag of nRF Connect SDK v2.7.0 is this, rc-1 or rc-2?

    Note that nRF Connect SDK v2.6.1 is the latest official release, and the 2.7.0 versions are just release candidates as of yet.

    Best regards,


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