NRF7002 Monitor mode issues


I'm evaluating the nrf7002 for use in a monitor mode device.
I'm using a nrf7002-dk, nrf connect sdk 2.6.1.

I'm working off of the monitor mode sample here:
I'm finding two issues:

Issue 1:
I can only get 64-255 bytes of monitor payload. I'm judging this by printing the values of received here:

For the default sample configuration, the max received value is 70 (-6 for RAW_PKT_HDR = 64)

If I manually configure the filter length higher like this in wifi_set_mode():

#include <fmac_structs.h>

struct wifi_filter_info filter_info = { 0 };
filter_info.if_index = net_if_get_by_iface(iface);
filter_info.filter = NRF_WIFI_PACKET_FILTER_ALL;
filter_info.buffer_size = 255;
filter_info.oper = WIFI_MGMT_SET;

ret = net_mgmt(NET_REQUEST_WIFI_PACKET_FILTER, iface, &filter_info, sizeof(filter_info));
if (ret) {
	LOG_ERR("Mode setting filter %d", ret);
	return -1;

The maximum packet size increases to 255 (received = 261 - 6 = 255)
But higher values do not work. 

I see that in the command structure capture_len is given as an unsigned char:

But in the SDK filter API and everywhere else this value is given as an unsigned short:

so I assume values >255 are lost in the cast into the command wire format.
Is there a way to fix this? I'd like to capture full length packets.

Issue 2:
If I filter for NRF_WIFI_PACKET_FILTER_MGMT, I get no packets.
Reproduction for this is to use the same filter configuration used above, but setting filter_info.filter = NRF_WIFI_PACKET_FILTER_MGMT.  When doing this the example will never print any packets/stats (as the stats are triggered by packet reception). I know the management frames are there because with filtering set to *_ALL, the management frame statistics counts increases.

