Exercise 4 – FOTA over LTE-M/NB-IoT

Hi, I try to update firmware with nbiot. I flush 

Exercise 4 – FOTA over LTE-M/NB-IoT  sample in devacademy

�*** Booting nRF Connect SDK 3758bcbfa5cd ***
[00:00:00.251,678] <inf> cloud_connection: Enabling connectivity...
[00:00:00.527,587] <inf> cloud_connection: Setting up nRF Cloud library...
[00:00:00.529,479] <inf> nrf_cloud_fota_common: Saved job: , type: 6, validate: 0, bl: 0x0
[00:00:00.530,303] <inf> cloud_connection: Waiting for network ready...
Hello World! nrf9160dk_nrf9160
+CEREG: 2,"1600","00096967",9
+CNEC_ESM: 50,0
+CEREG: 1,"1600","00096967",9,,,"00010000","11100000"
[00:01:32.102,722] <inf> cloud_connection: Network connectivity gained!
%XTIME: "21","42501241520121","00"
[00:01:33.102,844] <inf> cloud_connection: Network is ready
[00:01:33.102,874] <inf> cloud_connection: Connecting to nRF Cloud
[00:01:33.102,935] <inf> cloud_connection: Device ID: nrf-351358811477337
[00:01:33.102,996] <dbg> cloud_connection: cloud_event_handler: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_CONNECTING
[00:01:33.103,302] <dbg> cloud_connection: cloud_event_handler: NRF_CLOUD_EVT_TRANSPORT_CONNECT_ERROR: -3
[00:01:33.103,332] <dbg> cloud_connection: clear_readiness_timeout: Stopping cloud connection readiness timeout
[00:01:33.103,332] <inf> cloud_connection: Disconnecting from nRF Cloud
[00:01:33.103,363] <dbg> cloud_connection: disconnect_cloud: Already disconnected from nRF Cloud
[00:01:33.103,393] <err> cloud_connection: Could not connect to nRF Cloud
[00:01:33.103,424] <inf> cloud_connection: Retrying in 60 seconds...

this is my output. actually when I flush asset trcker v2 , it does not matter. it is normal. I can connect to nrf cloud.

but in this example I can not connect to nrf cloud. what must I do? thank you.

Parents Reply Children
  • Unfortunately, that trace file is not valid.

    All bytes in it is 0. Besides, I would expect a proper trace that captures this situation to be around a couple hundred kilobytes, not just 256 bytes.

  • we tried like this after flushing, is it correct? 

  • Mr. Irşad and I are together now. He flashed the FOTA code in Exercise 4. Then we took the trace from the Cellular Monitor screen. But when we take it, we see that it takes a low byte. Is there something we did wrong?

  • Did you edit the application to enable modem traces?


    I also recommend that you reset the device after starting the trace, so that you are sure the trace captures everything from the start.
