How to specify default TX power at runtime for the nrf5340?

I know how to set the TX power on an individual bluetooth handle basis per connection/advertisement. This is fine for advertising because I can create the advertising set, set the power level, then start advertising. But for connections I don't see a way to specify the desired connection power level prior to creating the connection. It seems like I need to create the connection first, and then I can set the advertising power.

Alternatively, is there a way to tell the network core that all output power should be lowered by a specific amount as a default for all outgoing signals so that I don't have to specify the power level for each connection? I need this to be a run time change instead of a build time configuration.

Edit: Specifically I am hoping for an app-core side solution.

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Sorry, the link was wrong. I did not find the one I indended to link to again now, but it is essentially what is demonstrated in the HCI Power Control sample. This demonstragte how you adjust the Tx power on the host side (so the app core on he nRF53).

    A key poin there, which is demonstrated by the sample but perhaps not very clearly, is that the Tx power used for advertising will be the initial (default if you like) Tx power for the resulting connection. So there is no need to explicitly set the Tx power for the connection(s) as long as you set it for the advertiser.
