Troubleshooting Initialization Failures in Icarus IoT Dev Board (nRF9160): Error Code -8 During GPS and IoT Module Setup

I'm working on a tracking project using the Icarus IoT Dev Board (nRF9160), which employs both NB-IoT and GPS functionalities. During the project, I encountered an issue where, after successfully initializing either the GPS or the IoT module, attempting to initialize the other module fails. The error message returned is:

`<err> lte_lc: Could not send AT command, error: -8`.

I am using toolchain version 1.5.1.

I am seeking to understand the potential reasons behind this error. Specifically, why might the initialization of one module interfere with the initialization of the other, resulting in the inability to send AT commands? What are the possible underlying causes for this error code, and how can they be resolved to ensure successful initialization of both the GPS and IoT modules on the nRF9160 board?

  • Hi Nagib,

    I am not sure how you write these codes, but some of the options like NRF_PROTO_GNSS, NRF_SO_GNSS_STOP, NRF_SOL_GNSS and so on I never see them before.

    Did you refer to any existing sample when you write the codes? Could you share your project with me so I can help you review and try to repeat the issue?

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    I've condensed my code to a more concise form. Could you please pinpoint any issues? I'm using nRF SDK 1.5.1 because I'm working with the Icarus IoT Board v1, which isn't compatible with the latest package.

  • Hi Nagib,

    Thanks for sharing, but your src folder is empty, so I am not able to read your source codes. Another thing unclear is that which version of MFW are you using with your device?

    NCS v1.5.1 is released more than three years ago, and I even have problem set up a development environment with it on my PC now. I strongly suggest you adapt your codes based on latest NCS v2.6.1 + MFW v1.3.6. A lot of bug fix and feature improvement have been introduced since the last three years. It is total OK to use carus IoT Board v1 which use nRF9160 B0 with the new NCS and MFW for your development, you can switch to nRF9161 when you start to design a formal product. 

    According to the previous description about your application, I think you can even use this sample directly nRF91 simple tracker solution - Nordic Developer Academy (

    Let me know what you want to move forward the next step.

    Best regards,


  • hi
    Apologies for the inconvenience. Could you please review my source code? I believe it's now accessible on my drive. in addition i upgraded my system to NCS v2.6.1 + MFW v1.3.6.

  • Hi Nagib,

    Thanks! Now I see your source codes, but I have problem to build your project to my NCS v2.6.1 toolchain.

    Are you sure you have updated your codes to NCS v2.6.1, or you have updated the wrong project? Because following warnings reminds that you are use some undefined symbols which might be deprecated from old NCS versions.

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:21: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol AT_CMD

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:22: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol AT_NOTIF

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:72: warning: attempt to assign the value 'n' to the undefined symbol LTE_AUTO_INIT_AND_CONNECT

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:78: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol BOARD_SELECT_SIM_EXTERNAL

    Best regards,


  • Hi Nagib,

    Thanks! Now I see your source codes, but I have problem to build your project to my NCS v2.6.1 toolchain.

    Are you sure you have updated your codes to NCS v2.6.1, or you have updated the wrong project? Because following warnings reminds that you are use some undefined symbols which might be deprecated from old NCS versions.

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:21: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol AT_CMD

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:22: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol AT_NOTIF

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:72: warning: attempt to assign the value 'n' to the undefined symbol LTE_AUTO_INIT_AND_CONNECT

    c:/NCS/myApps/demoTIM/prj.conf:78: warning: attempt to assign the value 'y' to the undefined symbol BOARD_SELECT_SIM_EXTERNAL

    Best regards,


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