Debugging with Ozone fails on verification phase with nRF9161

This is same what same as in my previous ticket  Restarting debug session fails on firmware verification 

With nRF9160 Ozone solution worked just fine but when trying to debug nRF9161 with Ozone I receive error on Ozone Console and also get an popup telling me that Download failed.

Error on Ozone console.

Failed to verify @ address 0x00FF8108
Download failed: error during verification phase

If I have understood correctly the problem is in the UICR area memory verification. Is there workaround or solution for this. When I try to debugging directly with VS Code I get the same error as on previous ticket.

Parents Reply
  • mmade said:

    When this error occurs I'm using "Download & Reset program".

    Right. The reason why ozone should work better than VSC is that VSC is forcing you to re-program. And you would then have to erase the chip to write to UICR again.

    So attaching to running program is the way to go. I'm surprised it worked differently on the 9160?


