nRF connect SDK issue


I am trying to download all software necessary to program nRF chips.
I am following this academic course

When i try to install nRF connect SDK after toolchain installation. I got these errors.

[03:23:57] nRF Command Line Tools 10.24.2 are up to date
[03:24:03] nrfutil-toolchain-manager install v2.6.1: Download toolchain
[03:53:03] nrfutil-toolchain-manager install v2.6.1: Toolchain downloaded: success
[03:53:03] nrfutil-toolchain-manager install v2.6.1: Unpack toolchain
[03:53:38] nrfutil-toolchain-manager install v2.6.1: Toolchain unpacked to C:\ncs\tmp\.tmpS1A7ni: success
[03:53:38] nrfutil-toolchain-manager install v2.6.1: Install toolchain
[03:53:38] nrfutil-toolchain-manager install v2.6.1: Toolchain installed at C:\ncs\toolchains\cf2149caf2: success
[03:53:38] =========== Toolchain validation report for nRF Connect SDK Toolchain v2.6.1 ===========
No issues were detected with the toolchain.
[03:57:06] Command failed: west init -m --mr v2.6.99-cs2
Cloning into 'c:\ncs\v2.6.99-cs2\.west\manifest-tmp'...
error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: CANCEL (err 8)
error: 3116 bytes of body are still expected
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: early EOF
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 128: git clone --branch v2.6.99-cs2 'c:\ncs\v2.6.99-cs2\.west\manifest-tmp'

[04:11:27] Command failed: west init -m --mr v2.6.99-cs2
Cloning into 'c:\ncs\v2.6.99-cs2\.west\manifest-tmp'...
error: 7943 bytes of body are still expected
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet
fatal: early EOF
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 128: git clone --branch v2.6.99-cs2 'c:\ncs\v2.6.99-cs2\.west\manifest-tmp'

 I need help to resolve it.

  • Hello,

    From the logs you shared, it looks like the issue was with cloning the repository from Github. I recommend you try using another network for downloading if the issue is still persistent. Update the toolchain to your latest version and try to install the SDK using the toolchain if you're still encountering the issue.


    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    From the logs you shared, it looks like the issue was with cloning the repository from Github. I recommend you try using another network for downloading if the issue is still persistent. Update the toolchain to your latest version and try to install the SDK using the toolchain if you're still encountering the issue.


    Kind Regards,

