how to protocol buffers with ncs

hello Nordic 

we are working with nrf52832 and nrf52840 running with ncs v2.5.0 (waiting for v2.7.0 cause 2.6.0 have some issues with cmsis fft tables that prevent us from upgrading)


we are saving some data to external flash using little fs and we need to organise and save the data as a protobuf file.

i know zephyr embed some implementation of protobufs, is there some example on ncs, or some guide how to work with it, how much space of flash and RAM is required, is there some limitation on schema etc. ?

hope to read from you soon

best regards


Parents Reply
  • Hey

    so i managed to solve the compilation issue with the addition of this :


    i look at the example and it is very simple case , is there some guide or example how to work with a .proto buf which has several messages with fields and messages as fields of some other messages  ?

    and with streaming of the encoded protobuf in chunks since we can not have all the data of the protobuf available on RAM  ?

    hope you can help with some guidance here 

    best regards


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