How flash nrf9160 with the at command firmware


I have design my own board using a µC to talk to the nrf9160 in at command. My code is working with the devboard, but I don't understand how to flash the AT command code inside the NRF9160. I have download from your website the v1.3.6. I have unzip the file try to flash :




with the programmer software.

But nothing it happening. The nrf9160 never send the ready signal on the uart.

Did you know where I can find a manual to know how to flash the NRF9160 ?

I am do it correctly ?

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Jonathan,

    I'm able to flash via SWD with a J-link connection.

    What I have done yet is reset the AT client  firmware on my NRF devboard via "quick start" software, then copy the fimware via via the "programmer" software and flash this firmware to my board.

    With this method did I flash only the application firmware or both application and modem ?

    This a picture of the content of the flash in my board

    Best regards,

