How do I use flash_fds example to read and write


Absolute beginner here. I'm currently working with the nrf52840-dk and wanted to test read write operations into flash memory with it. The idea is to use flash_fds and take its read/write implementation and merge it with the code I have for a microcontroller. 

Could someone help explain how flash_fds is reading and writing onto flash memory and how I can replicate the retrieval process in my own code? I'm confused about where the files are being written to in flash memory, are there any ways of knowing the addresses of the files?

If someone can give me some pointers on how I can learn more about this topic that would be extremely helpful too.

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  • Hi Hieu,

    Yes, I am currently using the nRF5 SDK. A lot of the project has already been implemented with dependencies from this SDK so I need to stick with it. 

    I was wondering how I can merge the fds with a program that I current have to maintain the fds read/write operations on my program. I am using the SEGGER studio IDE and am very new to it, so it may be some simple mistakes that I am making. Right now, I'm having trouble initiating the fds function after copying them over to my new code and adding the dependencies. 

    I will try to replicate what I did as I have been experimenting with the merge. Any tips would help a bunch.

    Appreciate the help,


  • Hi Glen,

    I am not sure what kind of trouble "initiating the FDS function" mean. 

    You can refer to this DevZone case on how to add a library to a project:  How to add library to a SDK example, in Segger embedded studio .

    If the problem is with running the function, then please check what error code it returns, and check what that means in the documentation.

    Please see that with generic problem description, I could only give generic advices. If you want more detailed help, I need more detailed descriptions.


