Unable to make Cellular Monitor v2.4.0 work.

I am able to open up the Cellular Monitor and successrully select the device an get a connection.  However the option to ' Open a Serial Terminal' is greyed out, and so not available.

  • Hi Jack,

    I suspect there is something wrong with your SIM card.

    Following show my test, the SIM PIN related errors are acceptable since my SIM card do not need to input SIM PIN.

    Checking the SIM card related commands, the device can read corresponding results from SIM card, but you get errors according to the log.

    Did you test with a nRF9160DK or custom hardware? It might be hardware related if you tested with customer hardware.

    If it is nRF9160DK, can you specify with SIM card ware you using, can you test with original iBasis SIM card in nRF9160DK package.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Charlie,

    Sadly, I no longer have the original iBasis SIM card.  My nRF9160 Dev Kit is about 3 years old.

    The SIM card I am using is from a company calle KORE Wireless, an MVNO.

    I know the SIM card is working becuase I'm to able log into nRF Cloud using this SIM card and I can see all sorts of cellular connection data there.  I can also use the cellular monitor serial terminal feature to send AT commands to the device and read back various cellular connection inforamtion as well.

    I've also tried the same SIM card in both our custom HW as well as the nRF9160 Dev kit, and both get connections to the LTE-M network.  So I don't think the problem is with our customer hardware.

    I've also had a colleague in Canada try to use the Cellular Monitor with a Rogers SIM card using his copy of our custom hardware.  Same thing.  He gets a connection to the network but no data show up in his cellular monitor dashboard.

    BTW, I have also used Wireshark to see if there's any data exchange between the cellular monitor and our device and there doesn't seem to be any.

    So I'm baffled. So seems like we're dong something wrong.

  • OK, I checked the SIM related AT Commands and this is what I get:

  • Another interesting data point.   Although I'm able to connect to my device with the Serial Terminal, and send AT commands, when I try to use the Cellular Monitor app, there doesn't seem to be any AT commands going to the device.  There's no activity in the Packet Event Viewer.

    Aslo, when I send an AT%CONEVAL command from the terminal I get the following response:

    %CONEVAL: 0,0,7,42,15,29,"050A0411","310410",164,5110,12,0,0,15,1,8,119

    But when I try to run a trace from the Cellular Monitor app I get:

    AT command AT%CONEVAL failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    So something different is happening when I use the Serial Terminal vs using the Cellular Monitor.
  • Another interesting data point.   Although I'm able to connect to my device with the Serial Terminal, and send AT commands, when I try to use the Cellular Monitor app, there doesn't seem to be any AT commands going to the device.  There's no activity in the Packet Event Viewer.

    Aslo, when I send an AT%CONEVAL command from the terminal I get the following response:

    %CONEVAL: 0,0,7,42,15,29,"050A0411","310410",164,5110,12,0,0,15,1,8,119

    But when I try to run a trace from the Cellular Monitor app I get:

    AT command AT%CONEVAL failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    So something different is happening when I use the Serial Terminal vs using the Cellular Monitor.
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