Unable to make Cellular Monitor v2.4.0 work.

I am able to open up the Cellular Monitor and successrully select the device an get a connection.  However the option to ' Open a Serial Terminal' is greyed out, and so not available.

  • OK, the MFW is 1.3.3, but I had the 'Modem Trace database" set to 1.3.6.  I guess that's the default.  I didn't know I could change it.  So, I set the "Modem Trace databse" to 1.3.3 and tried again.  But still no luck.

    I get the same four error codes that you get:

    AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    Once again, the Serial Terminal works fine and I'm clearly attached to the LTE-M network.  Here's the result of the AT+CONEVAL command:
    %CONEVAL: 0,0,7,41,18,30,"050A0411","310410",164,5110,12,0,0,17,1,8,121
    But there's no activity on the "Packet Event Viewer", and the Modem Trace file is empty.
    Here's a copy of the log file.
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.648Z INFO Initialising nrfutil module: device
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.682Z DEBUG Application data folder: C:\Users\jackw\AppData\Roaming\nrfconnect\pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.705Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.708Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor v2.4.0 (official)
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.708Z DEBUG App path: C:\Users\jackw\.nrfconnect-apps\node_modules\pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.708Z DEBUG nRFConnect 5.0.0, required by the app is (>=4.4.1)
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.708Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: C:\Users\jackw\AppData\Local\Programs\nrfconnect\resources\app.asar
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.708Z DEBUG HomeDir: C:\Users\jackw
    2024-06-18T15:10:31.708Z DEBUG TmpDir: C:\Users\jackw\AppData\Local\Temp
    2024-06-18T15:10:32.575Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:10:37.932Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:10:37.932Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:10:37.939Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: running nrfutil device"
    2024-06-18T15:10:38.096Z INFO Using nrfutil-device core version: 7.12.0
    2024-06-18T15:10:38.771Z INFO Using nrfutil-device version: 2.1.1
    2024-06-18T15:10:38.771Z INFO Using nrf-device-lib version: 0.17.5
    2024-06-18T15:10:38.771Z INFO Using nrfjprog DLL version: 10.24.0
    2024-06-18T15:10:38.771Z INFO Using JLink version: JLink_V7.94e
    2024-06-18T15:10:38.997Z INFO Getting serialport options from persistent store THINGY91 12PLACEHLDRS.pc-nrfconnect-cellularmonitor
    2024-06-18T15:10:38.998Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: device connected"
    2024-06-18T15:11:11.771Z INFO Selected device with s/n THINGY91 12PLACEHLDRS
    2024-06-18T15:11:11.773Z DEBUG Terminal Serial Port: Will attempt to auto-connect to serial port COM6
    2024-06-18T15:11:11.777Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: device selected"
    2024-06-18T15:11:11.782Z INFO Opened port with options: {"path":"COM6","baudRate":115200}
    2024-06-18T15:11:11.802Z INFO Device is in line mode.
    2024-06-18T15:11:11.803Z DEBUG Terminal Serial Port: Detected AT Host Library: Device is in Line mode
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.577Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.4_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.577Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.4-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.577Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.5_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.577Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.1.5-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.577Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.577Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.3-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.7_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.7-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.8_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.2.8-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.0_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.0-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.578Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.1-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.2_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.2-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.3-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.4_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.4-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.5_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.5-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.6_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:12.579Z DEBUG Trace database already downloaded: mfw_nrf9160_1.3.6-FOTA-TEST_trace-db.json
    2024-06-18T15:11:15.818Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Open serial terminal"
    2024-06-18T15:13:11.365Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Select trace database"
    2024-06-18T15:13:33.235Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T15:13:33.235Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T15:13:33.249Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T15:13:39.147Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:13:39.161Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:13:39.179Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:13:39.193Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:14:21.903Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T15:14:21.906Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T15:22:55.677Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T15:22:55.678Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T15:22:55.687Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T15:23:01.538Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:23:01.555Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:23:01.571Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:23:01.586Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:23:24.920Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T15:23:24.923Z INFO Finished tracefile
    2024-06-18T15:26:24.362Z INFO Started tracefile
    2024-06-18T15:26:24.362Z INFO Refreshing dashboard in 5 seconds
    2024-06-18T15:26:24.372Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Starting Raw trace"
    2024-06-18T15:26:30.157Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:26:30.174Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PIN2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:26:30.184Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:26:30.194Z ERROR AT command AT+CPINR="SIM PUK2" failed: +CME ERROR: 0
    2024-06-18T15:26:35.264Z DEBUG Sending event "cellularmonitor: Stopping trace"
    2024-06-18T15:26:35.267Z INFO Finished tracefile
  • OK, new info.  I put the SIM into the Dev kit and tried the cellular monitor again.  I made sure to match the 'Modem Trace Database' FW version with the MFW version for the Dev Kit, and this time it works.  I was able to populate the dashboard.

    Still struggling to make it work in our device.

  • Ok, have you verified that your device work with Serial Terminal?

  • Yes, our device works with the serial terminal.  I can send AT commands and get responses, so something else weird is going on at our end when trying to use the cellular monitor.

    I'm going to talk some more with our firmware guy.  Will let you know what I find out.  

  • Hi Jack,

    The Cellular Monitor also needs to collect modem trace data on another uart port.

    Can you confirm you custom firmware also have a second uart port that be assigned for modem tracing?

    Best regards,

