Unable to make Cellular Monitor v2.4.0 work.

I am able to open up the Cellular Monitor and successrully select the device an get a connection.  However the option to ' Open a Serial Terminal' is greyed out, and so not available.

  • Hi Charkie,

    Can you please say more about this.

    We have the sngle USB connection to the device and as far as I can tell the Cellular Monitor daashboard only allows one port to be selected.for the Cellular Monitor and a different port to be selected for the Serial Terminal.

    Is this what you're talking about?  Or something different?

  • Hi Jack,

    You can find the difference on the left side panel. When you enable modem trace, a new serial port is assigned as its backend to output modem trace data. It is different from the uart port used by at command shell.

    Best regards,


  • OK, that's what I thought.  Thx

    Yeah, we have confirmed that we are doing some weird thngs in the firmware at our end.  When we get this sorited out I'll get back to you.

  • Hi Charlie,

    Ok, here's some additional information.

    Our application firmware on the nRF9160 is a compiled version that includes:

    - Asset Tracker v2

    - Handling routines for our Microphone, Accelerometer SMS messaging, and battery voltage - these are all unique to our board, not the same as the 9160 DK

    - UART communications handling between the nRF52840 and the nRF9160 (the USB connection to our device is through the nRF52840)

    - The 'config AT host lib' line of code is compiled in

    But, when we try to run the Cellular Monitor app there is no evidence of AT commands going between the Cellular Monitor app and our device over the USB

    When we switch over from the Cellular Monitor to the Serial Terminal we are able to communicate with our device and get responses to AT commands.

    So don't know what to do next.  Any suggestions?

  • Hi Jack,

    Thanks for your explanation. I get better understand with your custom HW now.

    Simple to say, the Cellular Monitor is specifically designed for nRF91DKs and samples for feature demonstration purpose, you should not expect it to work with your device directly and use it as part of your application.

    The issue with your hardware is that, there is no nRF9160 modem trace backend (By default, the nrf_modem library uses UARTE1 for outputting the trace data) connect with Cellular Monitor. As I have shown before, nRF9160DK have two com ports connecting with Cellular Monitor, which are used for AT commands and modem trace data separately.

    Best regards,

