Connect nrf9160DK with external MCU

Hi, I'm just a beginner in nrf91 series MCU and I want to communicate my nrf9160dk with existing application in SMT32 over UART.  

I want to use UART1 which is default connected to VCOM2 but it's also available through P0.01, P0.00, P0.15, and P0.14 header pins.

Please let me know if my reasoning is correct. At first I should disable routing these signals by creating overlay for nrf52840 like this:

&vcom2_pins_routing {
        status = "disabled";

Secondly, program nrf52840 with some random program like Hello world with this overlay. And after that my UART interface will be available through above mentioned pins.

But after this operation I still be able to use vcom0 to print some LOG_INFOs or debbug messages from my nrf9160 application.

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