Bluetooth qualification


I need a bit of help understanding the Bluetooth qualification requirements as described here:

It says no testing is required if we implement "APIs as instructed in the corresponding nRF Connect SDK documentation". Let's say I use the GATT and GAP profiles, defining my own characteristics and UUIDs in my software, am I allowed to perform a certification without testing?

We are using a BT40E module from Fanstel, which should come with a pre-certified RF part (if I understand correctly), and the nRF Connect SDK should provide pre-certified software components, if I remember correctly. So, only the top level addressing the characteristics and UUIDs is implemented on our side.

Further, is it allowed to use our Bluetooth implementation at some pilot customer's site for evaluation (industrial environment / no consumer product) before finishing the certification process?

Best regards,

  • Hi Michael,

    It says no testing is required if we implement "APIs as instructed in the corresponding nRF Connect SDK documentation". Let's say I use the GATT and GAP profiles, defining my own characteristics and UUIDs in my software, am I allowed to perform a certification without testing?

    We are using a BT40E module from Fanstel, which should come with a pre-certified RF part (if I understand correctly), and the nRF Connect SDK should provide pre-certified software components, if I remember correctly. So, only the top level addressing the characteristics and UUIDs is implemented on our side.

    Regarding software, if all you are doing is using the GATT and GAP profiles, with some custom characteristics, then you can inherit Nordic Semiconductor's qualifications.

    Regarding hardware, looking at the BT840 product line website, a QDID is mentioned, so it looks like you can inherit Fanstel's qualification as well.
    Still, we cannot speak on behalf of Fanstel, so please check with Fanstel to be sure.

    Further, is it allowed to use our Bluetooth implementation at some pilot customer's site for evaluation (industrial environment / no consumer product) before finishing the certification process?

    As noted in our Qualification documentation page, the purpose of Bluetooth Qualification is:

    Only when your product is qualified, you will be authorized to do the following:

    - Prove that your products satisfy the requirements of the Bluetooth license agreements and specifications.
    - Use Bluetooth trademark and logos.
    - Sell products that use Bluetooth LE technology.

    As a result, your products will be listed and can be promoted on the official Bluetooth SIG page.

    So, if you only plan to do some evaluation without actually selling the devices, it should be fine.

