How to create a Low Power RTOS system code em C++ for ARM Cortex-M MCUs, a nRF52840?

Good night,

I am developing a Firmware for a nRF52840 created by RAKWireless RAK4631, with VSCode/Platformio/C++/FreeRTOS, and now I am changing the Architecture from a Super Loop to a Event Driven.  The events will be, for example, a accelerometer that it will create some Interruption when the acceleration reach a specific level.

Now the challenge is to reduce the power consumption with a Low Power Architecture, with resources as sleep/deep sleep and tickless, based on the "4.3.6 System Control Register" in the "Cortex-M4 Devices Generic User Guide".

Where could I find some example about the subject described above?

Cláudio Rosa

  • FreeRTOS in C (not C++)  is supported and tested on our older nRF5SDK as mentioned in these documentation. .

    The older nRF5 SDK is not deprecated. It will continue to be maintained for the foreseeable future. However, it will not support new features beyond Bluetooth LE 5. For new designs and for the nRF91 Series and nRF53 Series devices, the use of the nRF Connect SDK is recommended.
    However, specific parts of the nRF5 SDK have been deprecated. For instance, the nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee, and the nRF5 SDK for HomeKit are deprecated and will not be upgraded. For new projects requiring these features, the nRF Connect SDK should be used.
  • FreeRTOS in C (not C++)  is supported and tested on our older nRF5SDK as mentioned in these documentation. .

    The older nRF5 SDK is not deprecated. It will continue to be maintained for the foreseeable future. However, it will not support new features beyond Bluetooth LE 5. For new designs and for the nRF91 Series and nRF53 Series devices, the use of the nRF Connect SDK is recommended.
    However, specific parts of the nRF5 SDK have been deprecated. For instance, the nRF5 SDK for Thread and Zigbee, and the nRF5 SDK for HomeKit are deprecated and will not be upgraded. For new projects requiring these features, the nRF Connect SDK should be used.