tfm_ns_fault_handler_callback is called when booting


I have a problem where tfm_ns_fault_handler_callback is called when booting the system.

This results in arm_fault and k_sys_fatal_error_handler is called. The reason is 41.

I have upgraded to SDK v2.6.1

Custom board based on nrf9160-SIP

The project is based on a azure iot hub example.

This is the error log:

[00:00:00.422,271] <ESC><err> os: ***** SECURE FAULT *****<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,302] <ESC><err> os:   Address: 0x22<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,302] <ESC><err> os:   Attribution unit violation<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,332] <ESC><err> os: r0/a1:  0x00000000  r1/a2:  0x00000005  r2/a3:  0x0006620c<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,332] <ESC><err> os: r3/a4:  0x2001d599 r12/ip:  0x200103f2 r14/lr:  0x00055723<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,363] <ESC><err> os:  xpsr:  0x61000000<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,363] <ESC><err> os: Faulting instruction address (r15/pc): 0x00056080<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,393] <ESC><err> os: >>> ZEPHYR FATAL ERROR 41: Unknown error on CPU 0<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:00.422,424] <ESC><err> os: Current thread: 0x200104a0 (unknown)<ESC><CR><LF>
[00:00:01.177,398] <ESC><err> fatal_error: Resetting system<ESC><CR>

Please feel free to contact me, if more information is needed.

BR Replay

Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    Yes without any problem.

    Here is the history:

    Starting the project using 2.0.0, encountered a sdk problem. upgraded to 2.2.0 to resolve the issue.

    Now using 2.2.0 without debugging enabled. A problem need more debugging information enabled.

    When debug was enabled enabled the program would not start. Found a devzone post (cannot find it again) where other did encounter problems with enabling debugging on 2.2.0, when I upgraded to 2.6.1 to solve the debugging issue I meet the issue described above.

    BR Replay
