The bt_mgmt_init function returns an error.

I am creating a program using the nRF5340 Audio sample source.
I am debugging using VSCODE instead of a script.

The bt_mgmt_init function returns error code -11.

Tracing it, I find that -11 is returned at err = bt_dev.drv->open(); in hci_core.c.
Tracing it further, I find that -11 is returned at ret = arch_swap(key); in kswap.h.

When debugging, sometimes the function no longer gives an error, and once it no longer gives an error, it works normally for a while, but when I do something else and try to run it again, the error comes back.

I think the bt_mgmt_init function is a Bluetooth initialization function, so I haven't made any changes to this part.

What could the cause be?

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