S110 src\soc_clock.c line 258 assert


We are currently developing a embedded system utilizing timeslots. When the device gets awoken from deepsleep we want to get a timeslot as soon as possible in order to conserve battery.

After the SVCALL sd_softdevice_enable we have to delay roughly 3000µs, otherwise we risk (~25%) receiving an error from softdevice_assertion_handler_t with:
PC: 0, line_number: 258, p_file_name: src\soc_clock.c

Is there anyway to mitigate this issue without having a 3000µs delay?

  • Hi 

    Which version of the S110 and the nRF5 SDK are you using? 

    Have you considered simply delaying the SoftDevice enable call, then you should be able to access SoftDevice resources right away without needing to use timeslots. The question is whether or not this activity needs to go on continuously, or if you could halt it later to give you time to enable the SoftDevice once you need to use it. 

    Best regards

  • Hi 

    Which version of the S110 and the nRF5 SDK are you using? 

    Have you considered simply delaying the SoftDevice enable call, then you should be able to access SoftDevice resources right away without needing to use timeslots. The question is whether or not this activity needs to go on continuously, or if you could halt it later to give you time to enable the SoftDevice once you need to use it. 

    Best regards
