VL53L5CX interface with nrf52840

I used nRF52840 board with SDK 17_1_0 ,

VL53L5CX driver I want to transfer large amount of data on I2C but when i try to write it then first time nRF52840 restart and after it was working fine

why nrf52840 is restart and how to solve this?


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    in firmware we used the FDS and we write some data on it ,

    when we run the firmware and after nrf52840 is reset Then we are not able to read the fds data,

    also we used the USBD for print the logs ,so when we run the firmware after USBD was reset.

    we debug the firmware at that time USBD was reset when we transfer large amount data on I2C but firmware was not stop it execute successfully.

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