Does Nordic has plan to develop a Long Range(LoRa) connectivity solution?

Good morning,

Today for a Brazilian Logistic company, I am developing a Embedded System for Low-power tracking and other features, with a nRF52840 in a RAKWireless solution call Wisblock RAK4631, where I have a nRF52840 with a Semtech LoRa SX1262.  It will be integrated with FreeRTOS because the solution will be connect to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN.

To have a faster evolution in my tests, I bought a nRF52840-DK and I am doing the trainning:

  1.  nRF Connect SDK Fundamentals
  2. In a sequence, nRF Connect SDK Intermediate 

Does Nordic has plan to develop a Long Range(LoRa) connectivity solution?


