Transmission of CTE packets using nRF52833DK and uBlox ANT-B10 Antenna Board in AoA mode

I am running the Direction Finding Connectionless Beacon sample using my nRF52833DK to transmit CTE packets. I am using the u-Blox ANT-B10 antenna board to receive the CTE packets. I have gone through the code and I noticed that there is no loop to send data continuously. So is it like once the CTE is configured and enabled, it will send a number of CTE packets (configured in CTE Count)?

I am trying to detect the CTE packets from the nRF52833DK but I have not received any CTE packets.

I am required to meet the following requirements:

How to check if the CTEInfo and CTE fields are part of the advertising packets? 

I have understood that the CTE length is in unit of 8us and since the value assigned is 0x14, the size is 20 * 8 = 160us

How to configure the payload to include an Eddystone UID frame?

How to find the namespace of the tag?

  • Hi

    So is it like once the CTE is configured and enabled, it will send a number of CTE packets (configured in CTE Count)?


    You should be able to see the CTEInfo and fields in the connectionless beacon sample source code. This sample also follows the Bluetooth specification, so it should be in line with Ublox as well.

    Yes, the CTE length is in units of 8us, so that seems correct. The Eddystone UID frame I'm not familiar with I'm afraid, is this something you can ask U-blox support for?

    The name of the tag is set with teh CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME in the prj.conf file of the Direction Finding connectionless beacon sample.

    Best regards,

