I am running the Direction Finding Connectionless Beacon sample using my nRF52833DK to transmit CTE packets. I am using the u-Blox ANT-B10 antenna board to receive the CTE packets. I have gone through the code and I noticed that there is no loop to send data continuously. So is it like once the CTE is configured and enabled, it will send a number of CTE packets (configured in CTE Count)?
I am trying to detect the CTE packets from the nRF52833DK but I have not received any CTE packets.
I am required to meet the following requirements:
How to check if the CTEInfo and CTE fields are part of the advertising packets?
I have understood that the CTE length is in unit of 8us and since the value assigned is 0x14, the size is 20 * 8 = 160us
How to configure the payload to include an Eddystone UID frame?
How to find the namespace of the tag?