How to read and write to a non nordic device which has its own BLE characterstics?


I have a device which has different UUID s for the write and read characteristics than the Nordic devices. The device I want to connect to will give out sensor data via one specific characteristic and I want my central read that data. What should I be referring to? Are there any examples which I can modify and get it working?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Vinayaka

    There should not be any different connecting to that device then to a Nordic device. Just adjust the UUID to correspond with the GATT service that your sensor is running. I would suggest starting with a bluetooth central sample like this or this this 

    Which SDK are you using by the way? My links above is for NCS as I would not start new project using nRF5 SDK as it has been in maintenance mode some some years and do not receive any new feature. 

    "As can be seen in the nRF5 SDK 17.1.0, we are still supporting the nRF5 SDK in maintenance mode. This means that bug fixes and security updates will be available as needed. However, support for new features beyond Bluetooth LE 5 will not be added to the nRF5 SDK. For instance, Bluetooth Direction Finding, Bluetooth LE Audio, and so forth are not supported and will not be supported in the nRF5 SDK."

    For more information please see this statement and comparison table

    You can find Bluetooth SIG specifications listed here if needed. 



  • Hi Vinayaka

    There should not be any different connecting to that device then to a Nordic device. Just adjust the UUID to correspond with the GATT service that your sensor is running. I would suggest starting with a bluetooth central sample like this or this this 

    Which SDK are you using by the way? My links above is for NCS as I would not start new project using nRF5 SDK as it has been in maintenance mode some some years and do not receive any new feature. 

    "As can be seen in the nRF5 SDK 17.1.0, we are still supporting the nRF5 SDK in maintenance mode. This means that bug fixes and security updates will be available as needed. However, support for new features beyond Bluetooth LE 5 will not be added to the nRF5 SDK. For instance, Bluetooth Direction Finding, Bluetooth LE Audio, and so forth are not supported and will not be supported in the nRF5 SDK."

    For more information please see this statement and comparison table

    You can find Bluetooth SIG specifications listed here if needed. 



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