I'm having trouble figuring what hex to use to update to my card

I'm having trouble figuring what hex update to flash to my card. I downloaded and unzipped the nrf9160dk_fw_2024-03-13_af2b60d2 file. I opened up the "Programmer" in nRF  connect tool. I connected to my device and then clicked the "add file" and pointed the 4.3.0 version program tool to the zip file and then clicked "write". 

Now I'm trying to update my application firmware so I click on the "add file" once again but when I go to the "img_app_bl" folder to flash the update there are a bunch of unclear options. What hex do I use to flash my card? According to the iBasis map I live in an area that only supports "LTE-M" (the United States). 

I wish the hex files were a little clearer Disappointed

Thank you in advance for any help with this!

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