About the sample source of unicast_audio_client, unicast_audio_server

The sample source of unicast_audio_client and unicast_audio_server can be built with VScod or command line, but an error occurs when writing.

The error is as follows.

-- west flash: using runner nrfjprog
-- runners.nrfjprog: Flashing file: c:\unicast_audio_client\build\zephyr\merged_domains.hex
-- runners.nrfjprog: c:\unicast_audio_client\build\zephyr\merged_domains.hex targets both nRF53 coprocessors; splitting it into: c:\unicast_audio_client\build\zephyr\GENERATED_CP_NETWORK_merged_domains.hex and c:\unicast_audio_client\build\zephyr\GENERATED_CP_APPLICATION_merged_domains.hex
[error] [ Client] - Encountered error -2: Command enable_coprocessor executed for 15 milliseconds with result -2
Failed to enable coprocessor with unknown error.
[error] [ Worker] - Cannot call read_access_port_register when connect_to_emu_without_snr or connect_to_emu_with_snr has not been called.
ERROR: Requested operation is currently unavailable.
ERROR: Check logs for more details.
NOTE: For additional output, try running again with logging enabled (--log).
NOTE: Any generated log error messages will be displayed.
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 66: nrfjprog --program 'c:\unicast_audio_client\build\zephyr\GENERATED_CP_NETWORK_merged_domains.hex' --sectorerase --verify -f NRF53 --coprocessor CP_NETWORK --snr 821007475

What could be the cause?

  • Hi!

    What version of the nRF5340-DK do you have?

    What version of nrfjprog are you using?

    Try doing:

    nrfjprog --recover --coprocessor CP_NETWORK
    nrfjprog --recover

    And then flash again.

  • The nRF5340 DK uses PCA10095 2.0.2.
    The ncs uses 2.5.0.
    I built and flashed (debug) using VSCODE.

    I solved the problem of not being able to write by myself.

    However, when I debug, both unicast_audio_server and unicast_audio_client have functions that return error codes.

    The functions in main.c are different, but when I dig into the function causing the error, both sample sources return -5 in bt_hci_cmd_send_sync.

    I found a similar post on Devzone, and added
    to prj.conf, but the situation remains the same.

    I currently have two nRF5340 Audio DK boards.
    I have created a Gateway and Hedset using a script from the nRF5340 Audio source. (CIS mode)

    Assuming that unicast_audio_client is written to the nRF5340 DK and is working properly, will the nRF5340 Audio DA (Gateway) and nRF5340 DK (Client) be connected via Bluetooth?

  • Hi!

    These samples in Zephyr requires some modification in order work with the nRF53 in NCS.

    1) Bluetooth LE Isochronous channels feature that was introduced in nRF Connect SDK 2.5.0 as experimental, is a supported feature in NCS 2.6.0. If you plan to work with ISO and the SDC, I suggest updating to NCS 2.6.0

    2) These Zephyr samples need a child_image config file to configure the ISO features for the Bluetooth Controller. You would need to add a hci_ipc.conf similar to how it's done in this application: https://github.com/nrfconnect/sdk-nrf/blob/v2.6.0/applications/nrf5340_audio/child_image/hci_ipc.conf

  • Is it okay to put hci_ipc.conf in the same folder as ptj.conf?

    The following error message appears when writing.

    r nrfjprog
    -- runners.nrfjprog: Flashing file: c:\unicast_audio_client\build\zephyr\zephyr.hex
    [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -5: Command read_device_info executed for 157 milliseconds with result -5
    [error] [ Worker] - Encountered unexpected debug port ID 6, expected 2
    [error] [ Client] - Encountered error -5: Command read_memory_descriptors executed for 584 milliseconds with result -5
    Failed to read device memories.
    [error] [ nRF52] - Device memory generation failed.
    [error] [ Worker] - Detected CPU core "235012351" does match expected CPU core "234881279"
    ERROR: The --family option given with the command (or the default from
    ERROR: nrfjprog.ini) does not match the device connected.
    NOTE: For additional output, try running again with logging enabled (--log).
    NOTE: Any generated log error messages will be displayed.
    FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 18: nrfjprog --program 'c:\unicast_audio_client\build\zephyr\zephyr.hex' --sectoranduicrerase --verify -f NRF52 --snr 1050010254

  • No, put it in a folder called child_image

  • There is no folder called child_image.

    Where should I create this folder?

  • There is no folder called child_image.

    Will it be okay to just create it under nrf5340_audio and save hci_ipc.conf in it?

    Do I need to do any other settings?

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