nrf5340 Audio DK USB Audio datapath issue

Dear All,

When i connect the nRF5340 Audio DK to the windows PC through the USB, It will be enumerated as a USB audio device.

And then, It will act as the default audio device for the PC.

All the sound will be routed to the USB Audio device.

For my project, i want to achieve the goal,

that is the audio should play through both the speaker and the USB Audio device at the same time.

Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve that goal.

Think about the scenario, Suppose i made a broadcast audio gateway dongle which has a usb interface.

I plug it into a smart TV which is based on the android os , the sound will be outputted to the USB Audio device.

At this moment, the people who don't wear the headset will not hear the sound.

Best Regards.


  • Hi Tommy,

    the audio should play through both the speaker and the USB Audio device at the same time.

    You mentioned both Windows PC and Smart TV as connected to the USB audio device. What is the source of your audio signal? Where does your speaker connect to?

    the people who don't wear the headset will not hear the sound.

    What is the relationship between this requirement and previously stated that the audio should play also through a speaker? Do you want to be able to switch between speaker and USB audio dongle?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Tommy,

    the audio should play through both the speaker and the USB Audio device at the same time.

    You mentioned both Windows PC and Smart TV as connected to the USB audio device. What is the source of your audio signal? Where does your speaker connect to?

    the people who don't wear the headset will not hear the sound.

    What is the relationship between this requirement and previously stated that the audio should play also through a speaker? Do you want to be able to switch between speaker and USB audio dongle?

    Best regards,

  • Hi dejans,

    Thanks for your replay.

    You mentioned both Windows PC and Smart TV as connected to the USB audio device. What is the source of your audio signal? Where does your speaker connect to?

    I may have misunderstood you.

    I have a smart TV which has a usb port.

    I plug the nrf5340 audio dk into the TV.

    and then i watch a movie, the sound will route to the nrf5340 audio dk.

    I just want to known, is there a method to let the sound play through both the speaker on the TV, and the nrf5340 Audio DK.

    For a family of five, there are two elder people wearing hearing aids, 

    When i plug the nrf5340 audio dk into the TV.

    The other three young people can't hear the sound from the TV.

    In short, is there a method to simultaneously play sound(music or movive) through the speaker on the TV and the nrf5340 audio dk?

    Best Regards.


  • Playing audio through both the TV speakers and the USB connected nRF5340 Audio DK would most certainly be a setting in the TV's configuration, not the ADK.

    However, it should be possible to simultaneously output audio to both the ADK's BLE stream and a separate speaker directly connected to it (not the TV speakers).
