Fail to build a copy of nRF5340 example audio application


I own an nRF5340 Audio DK, on which I successfully run the example audio application.

Using nRF extension for VSCode, I've created a new application based on the above example, which is saved in a path outside the SDK. When I try to build it using the "buildproj" script, I get the following error:

I'll mention that this process worked fine for other examples, such as blinky and hello world.

I'd appreciate your help with solving this.



Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    You should be able to build the sample using west build command. Building with VS Code should work as well if you use the newest NCS version. You could try to run west directly instead of using your batch file. For build command to be recognized, you can try to run it from command window which you open from the Toolchain Manager.

    Best regards,

  • I'll share the solution I've found:

    - I simply copied the audio example code to the desired folder on my PC, just like with any other example code.

    - Instead of using the buildproj script, I build & flash through nRF Extension for VSCode. The build configuration is set for the cpuapp and I set the device as gateway/headset by adding CONFIG_AUDIO_DEV to prj.conf and set it to 2/1 accordingly.
